Potential Low Back Pain Remedies

Low back pain is a common condition that people of many ages can suffer from. Thankfully, a chiropractor in New Berlin, WI, can help with sciatica, back pain, and more. Call our chiropractor near you at Resolve Chiropractic for the chiropractic treatments you may need.

Chiropractic Adjustment

Chiropractic adjustment is one of the cornerstones of chiropractic care. Even the most minute imbalance in the alignment of the spine can cause discomfort or weakness in the extremities. When the spine is out of alignment, the whole rest of your body might suffer as a result, potentially causing numerous aches and pains.

Additionally, in the lower back, a misalignment or a herniation of the disc might contribute to sciatica, which is pains that shoot down the legs and make walking difficult. By getting the vertebrae back in line, we may be able to help you get relief from your pain.

Therapeutic Exercise

We can provide a personalized exercise program designed by a chiropractor for your particular needs. It usually involves some stretching as well as strengthening exercises. This allows you to continue on your road to recovery by doing these exercises at home, potentially improving your mobility and balance. By keeping your back and core muscles strong, the spine might be more likely to stay in the correct alignment.

Lifestyle Advice

Sometimes, the way we live our lives is the cause of our pain. The good news is our chiropractor in New Berlin, WI, can ask you questions and examine your lifestyle to see if there are any obstacles to healing present. This can range from poor posture to poor lifting technique, to more that could be contributing to your pain and be preventing you from fully healing.

Get Chiropractic Care, Sciatica Treatment, and Back Pain Treatment from a Chiropractor Near You

When you need a chiropractor near you for sciatica and back pain, we at Resolve Chiropractic in New Berlin, WI, provide holistic services that may be able to give you relief. Give us a call at (262) 710-0628 for chiropractic care, sciatica treatment, and back pain treatment from a chiropractor near you.


chiropractic spine


Learn how we can help with your pain